Sunday, March 27, 2011

What to plant now

When you see these beautiful flowers pop up through the soil you know that the ground has thawed out. Once we see the crocus blossoms fully open, it is generally time to start turning the ground over. A little more snow will not hurt. Only a hard freeze will kill these little beauties. Seldom does this hard freeze happen after the blossoms appear. Last weeks snow fall left happy purple and yellow blossoms peeping up through the quickly melting snow. They were not harmed at all. The daffodils, hyacinth, and grape hyacinths appear soon after. Tulips follow close behind. Add organic matter to the soil now. following vegetables may be planted now. My Father called them cold crops. These crops do well when planted early in spring before the hot rays of the sun comes to dry out the soil. Keep in mind that a sandy loam free from lumps and stones is required for root crops. Any obstacles found in garden soil force roots into deformities and cause them to split. Avoid using manure in the spring with root crops, because it causes branching. Dried blood, phosphate, rock and wood ashes can be dug into the soil and mixed thoroughly. If you have not started from seed inside, healthy plants are available from your local nursery.
Mustard greens
Collard greens
Brussel sprouts
Turnips (turnip greens) Remove rocks from the soil as they may damage the turnip
Beets (beet greens) Remove all rocks so as not to damage crop

                                                                                                                          top broccoli, bottom cabbage

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