Sunday, May 12, 2019

What Is Companion Planting?

Garden Members, even if you did not plan it that way, you are involved in a companion planting activity.
                 Raised bed gardening is "Companion Planting"

1. How many days from planting to germination? This varies from plant to plant and the information is on the back of the seed packet. If you have purchased young plants, google it. Some plants may be planted in succession throughout the summer as long as you do the Math and allow enough days before frost. 

2. Make sure that you are being realistic in your planting choices.
a. How many days to you have from planting to harvest?
b. Is there enough time for the plants to produce before frost?c. How tall will the plant grow?
d. How much space will each plant require?e. Is it too late in the season to plant cold crop vegetables like lettuce, spinach, broccoli, etc.?  According to the Farmer's Almanac, this planting season has 201 days. The season started April 10, 2019 and frost is expected October 29, 2019. The Almanac is generally on target with the frost dates.
3. How much space does a watermelon require to produce? How many days from planting to harvest? (Watermelons need at least 80-100 consecutive days of very warm summer temperatures, at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit.) If you have 1 or more watermelon plants in 2 square feet, you are not being realistic. The same goes for cucumbers, squash/zucchini, cantaloupes, pumpkins. These plants grow on runners and require a lot of space
4. Are you planting tomatoes in with cucumbers? Have you read up on the care and culture of strawberries? Do remove any weeds growing outside of your box. Do participate in helping to spread the wood chips and mulch throughout the garden. Do use the garbage receptacles provided in the garden. The blue is for recyclables, not plant refuse. Do pick up and discard any garbage dropped by passersby and put in the recycling bin. Do help us keep the entire area clean and groomed.
Do remember that when the gray cans are filled, they must be placed on the curb in the 50 feet of space where motorists are not allowed to park near the stop sign on the corner of Lafayette Place and Genesee Ave.

DPW will pick up the Garden debris on Fridays unless they are called for "Special Pickup". DPW Workers will not enter the Garden to remove the garbage bins.

The Garden is under 24 hour camera surveillance.

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